About this artist

Celinés de los Ángeles Díaz Rodríguez was born on December 31st in the city of Santo Domingo and grew up in the Constanza Valley with her family, where she received formation in Christian values and the Catholic faith.

From a very early age he felt a strong inclination for singing and composition and his great dream was to one day become a “singer” of secular music.

In 2001 she signed a recording contract with BMG US Latin, in the city of Miami and recorded her first album as a singer-songwriter, entitled “Seliné”.

Despite having taken that big step that represented her lifelong dream, she realized that something was missing, because she did not feel complete. Thus she began a search for the true purpose of her life, without imagining what God had intended for her.

Years later he received an invitation to a Catholic retreat and there he was able to discover God’s true purpose for his life, after having a personal encounter with Jesus and an experience of God’s love, which completely transformed his heart.

From that moment on he felt a call to serve God and proclaim his love and mercy to all. He began to serve in retreats and gradually realized that music could be a great instrument to carry the message to many hearts. It was thus that she left behind all desire to sing for the world and decided to consecrate her voice to God to serve Him and His Church.

She studied Clinical Psychology, a career that has been a great support in her mission.

Today she is happily married to her husband Koji Waki, and by a miracle of God, she is the mother of a beautiful baby girl named Emi Marie. Together they serve the Lord as a family.

Today, far from being a “famous singer”, she is a full time “happy missionary”, as she has the beautiful mission of worshipping God and taking the Gospel around the world, through her music.

He has two productions of Catholic music and several singles, designed not only for those who know about God, but also to attract those who feel distant from the faith.

When God calls you, He does not ask you to change what you do, but the way you do it. Do it to please him before the world. He respects your tastes and talents, and uses them to reach out to others.”